About Me
Hi, I’m Mohammad Norouzzadegan. I am a DevOps Engineer. I am a master of Telecommunications Engineering. I am interested in trying challenging environments. Along with DevOps, I also have studied on DevSecOps.
- Automate Authentication and Authorization in Active Directory (Python, Powershell, Jenkins, ActiveDirectory).
- Develop Python CLI program to automate processes (Click, API, AzureDevOps, Valgrind, …).
- The administrator of Jenkins as a Continuous Integration (CI) tool.
- The administrator of Azure DevOps as Git source code management (SCM).
- Write Jenkinsfile for multi projects (script and Declarative).
- Dockerized several services (Jenkins, …).
- Implement an infrastructure Smoke test a product (Bash, Terraform, Dcoker, Baresip).
SINA Innovative Communications System Co
Test & Implementation IMS telecom core network on Docker
July 2019 - March 2020
- Dockerized Sina IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Core.
- Implement Gitlab Container Registry on Ubuntu and CoreOs.
- Testing and Evaluation KPI of Sina IMS Core with SIPp and MTS.
- Survey of Authentication in IMS network with AKAv1 AKAv2 protocol.
Nima Research Lab
Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing
November 2017 - September 2018
- Scan and Explore vulnerability on Web application.
- Explore of internal network from vulnerability.
- Operation System: Ubuntu, Debian
- Programming Language: Python, BashScript
- Continues Integration: Jenkins, Github Action, Gitlab CI
- Container Runtime: Docker
- Version Control: Git
- GIT Source Control Management: AzureDevOps, Gitlab, Github
- Infrastructure as code: Terraform
- Voip: Sip, SiPp, IMS, Baresip
- Virtualization: Vsphere
- Project Management: Jira, Peygir(Persian Redmine)
- Penteration Testing: Nessus, Acunetix, Metasploit, Burp Suite
- Configuration Management: Ansible
- Monitoring: Prometheus-Grafana
- Orchestration: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm
K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Master of Telecommunication, Telecommunications Engineering
2013 - 2016
Shahrood University of Technology
Bachelor's degree, Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
2009 - 2012
Assessing Derived Attacks from MITM Attack in Industrial Control Systems with Respect to DNP3 Protocol
International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology.